Marketo Measure - Advanced Attribution Modeling

Aligning the Custom Model to your Business Goals

The custom attribution model is a common source of questions for many Bizible customers. Discover the power of Bizible’s (Marketo Measure) Custom Attribution Model with Kate Colbert, Adobe Bizible Expert, and Raja Walia, CEO of GNW Consulting. How does the weighting work? What are the ideal custom stages? How are touchpoints with multiple stages weighted?

In this session, we explore:

This isn’t just a webinar; it’s an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the functionality of the custom model, helping align your reporting with your business KPIs. Access this on-demand insightful session where Kate and Raja guide you through the nuanced world of the custom model.

Kate Colbert

Raja Walia
(GNW Consulting)

Access On-Demand