Hubspot Marketing Hub

As a HubSpot partner, we’re here to help with all parts of HubSpot Marketing Hub. Our team of experts brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, crafting customized strategies that align with your unique goals.

Clients We've Helped:

Hubspot Optimization

 To supercharge your campaigns, we make the most of HubSpot’s powerful features, like email marketing, lead generation, and analytics. From setting up personalized customer journeys to automating processes, we’ve got you covered. Our goal? To help you nurture leads, foster strong relationships, and drive growth.

How We Can Help:

Systems Assessment:

In order to understand what best practices make sense for you, first we have to understand your system. For each engagement we allocate time to understand your business, goals, and systems to ensure your dollars are being spent on optimizing the use of Hubspot, and not paying someone to learn your business.

Marketing Operations as a Service (MOaaS)

Need someone that can quickly jump in and drive? Our “MOPs as a service” solution provides you with a certified consultant that can quickly take the reins of your Marketing Automation Platform, CRM, Project Management system (yes Jira as well) and anything MarTech related! We can pull reports across platforms, and even help with monthly or quarterly reports. Learn more about our (MOaaS).

Implementation / Redeployment:

Are you implementing a new Hubspot instance? Maybe you’re inheriting a Hubspot instance and are unsure why things were set up the way they were? Or maybe you’re looking to make changes and want to make sure the legacy program doesn’t break the whole thing?

Our team can help quickly streamline the implementation process and get you up and running faster or help with redeployment based on the new business goals you have.

Migration Services:

Are you asking yourself questions like:

  • What can be migrated?
  • How do we handle landing page redirects?
  • Does activity transfer over?
  • What’s the best way to preserve data, but optimize for the new platform?
  • How do campaigns translate over into the new system?

All of these questions are what we’ve helped hundreds of companies answer and execute on. We can handle the migration and support your team through it all!

Advanced Analytics/Training:

What’s engagement without reporting? We not only provide and pull the standard reports, such as vanity metrics (opens/clicks) to opportunity/campaign influence reporting. We take it one step further and also help you identify your target audience, segment our database, and engagement channels. Additionally, we provide a custom level of training for your team, so they know exactly how and why everything is set up!

CRM Integration:

A seamless integration between marketing automation and your CRM is essential to achieve a unified and efficient marketing and sales process. Having an integration with CRM allows us to effectively nurture leads, personalize communications, and track the entire customer journey. It eliminates data silos, enhances lead management, and improves communication between marketing and sales teams.

This is why GNW specializes in working with both Marketing and CRM teams regardless of CRM. Salsforce, Dynamics, Zoho, Netsuite, Infor, Personify and everything in between. We help ensure that improper dataflow and sync aren’t impacting your marketing efforts.

Discover how GNW can optimize your
marketing operations

Contact us today to get started.