Demystifying The Marketo Salesforce Sync

Marketo and Salesforce Sync

Whether you’re syncing Salesforce with Marketo for the first time or managing an already integrated instance, understanding the nuances of the Salesforce-Marketo bi-directional sync is essential for building, adjusting, or troubleshooting processes in both systems. This article covers the most common questions clients ask about Salesforce and Marketo integration, offering insights on how to optimize your setup.

If you have additional questions, let us know here and we’ll add to this on an ongoing basis.

How does the Salesforce to Marketo sync work?

The sync between Salesforce CRM and Marketo Engage is bidirectional, meaning records are constantly updated in both platforms. Salesforce acts as the parent system, while Marketo functions as the child. Any record created in Salesforce, whether it’s a lead or a contact, gets pushed to Marketo. However, if duplicate records exist in Salesforce, Marketo will pull those duplicates unless they’re merged on the Salesforce side.

What is the impact of merging records?

When leads or contacts are merged in Salesforce, they will also merge in Marketo. This is a native functionality, and Marketo follows the rules set by Salesforce in this regard.

Why does Salesforce create contacts in Marketo, and how does Marketo view these contacts?

Marketo doesn’t distinguish between leads and contacts the same way Salesforce does as separate objects. In addition, Marketo does not apply the same lead conversion methodology as Salesforce. Instead, it sees people as relationships rather than distinct objects. When Salesforce creates a contact, Marketo identifies it as a person with certain designations, such as their first name, last name, and associated company. Whether the person is a lead or contact in Salesforce is flagged in a field on the person record. Therefore, in Marketo, contacts are simply people, regardless of their status in Salesforce.

How do we prevent unwanted contacts from syncing to Marketo?

One of the most effective strategies for controlling which records sync from Salesforce to Marketo is through permission settings for the Marketo sync user in Salesforce. By adjusting visibility rules and using flags such as “hide from Marketo,” you can manage which contacts or leads are synced. These Salesforce permission sets are managed by a Salesforce admin and determine which records Marketo can access.

What are the potential risks of hiding contacts from Marketo?

While limiting visibility of certain Salesforce records can help manage database size, it may cause challenges if one of those contacts later interacts with Marketo, such as by filling out a form. If the contact’s email already exists in Salesforce but isn’t visible to Marketo, this will create an issue where the record will create a duplicate in Salesforce. This will cause gaps in the contact’s history and relationship between Marketo and Salesforce, complicating visibility into the buyer’s journey.

What happens when a contact’s email is removed in Salesforce?

Ultimately, it is never a great idea to delete the email on a record in Salesforce, because the result will almost always be something we don’t want. For better data management, it’s recommended to delete invalid contacts in Salesforce rather than simply removing the email address, which can create gaps in Marketo’s sync process.

Can we automate the purging of records that don’t need to be in Marketo?

Yes, you can automate purges in Marketo. By creating a smart list that flags records that shouldn’t be in the database, these contacts can be removed regularly. This ensures that only relevant contacts from Salesforce remain in your Marketo database. This helps avoid unnecessary clutter while ensuring the Salesforce-Marketo sync remains clean and efficient.

Do contacts without email addresses count towards Marketo’s database limit?

Typically, records without email addresses don’t pose an issue since email addresses are required for most marketing activities. However, you can review your database and remove these records if necessary, as they may be counted towards your limit.

What should we do if we encounter duplicates or incomplete records?

Duplicates or incomplete records can be merged or purged, depending on the situation. For example, if you find contacts with missing information, creating automated processes in Salesforce and Marketo to flag and address these discrepancies can help maintain a cleaner database.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining a clean sync between Salesforce CRM and Marketo Engage is essential for effective marketing and sales alignment. By utilizing permission sets, automating record purges, and understanding how both systems handle data, you can optimize your Salesforce-Marketo integration and prevent database issues. 

If you have further questions about the Salesforce to Marketo sync, reach out, and we’ll help you navigate these complexities. Contact us today.


Raja Walia


Raja is recognized as a focus-driven leader who has delivered the perfect balance of strategy and execution for marketing operations professionals ranging from small to Fortune 500 businesses for over 20 years.